Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Update & book report:

Update to THIS post.

Guess what? I like the book. The NY Times made them out to be kinda douche-y, but so far so good.

Yes, they had some money somewhere (he was a party promoter, worked on Wall Street, and they did have 500 people at their wedding, after all... ), but they are also gamblers and made a lot of big risks and they fess-up to being nearly bankrupt a few times during these projects. So, you know, they had their worries. In the book, you read about the good and the bad of their renovations. She details (and has photos of) new hardwood floors that flooded a week after they moved into one of their renovated homes. A distaster. They ended up leaving them as-is since they bowed and seemed to age the house. People who can live with imperfection = good.

Each chapter focuses tackles each house, and each chapter begins with a quick list of all the improvements they made to that property. If you are buying a wreck or planning to remodel, it's kind of confidence-boosting to see what they lived through.

I know there were many cynics, but honestly, this book is pretty inspiring. I want to start getting shit done on my house now.

Buy it HERE.

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