Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The guilty spend.

I only buy J Crew hair clips. They are $10 dollars. Each. For plastic.

If my mother knew, she would kick my ass.

But they are worth it. I have thin-ish hair and they have perfect grip, have a certain weight to them that makes them feel more like an accessory than some Rite-Aid emergency hair gripper.

I also felt a deperate need for diamonds recently (ok... for a WHILE now). And even though we are all supposed to be saving, I bought a ring. Maybe it's that last-gasp before the belt tightening.

And even with belt-tightening, my shoe problem is still a problem. I tried to buy a sub-$100 pair of heels recently, and had to return them. Something about a plastic sole sucks the life out of me.

So there you have it. I still spend like an asshole. My mother would not be proud. She sent me an email recently imploring me to "stock up at Win-Co" and "think like a Pioneer." (Only an Oregon mom would say that.)

What is your guilty spend? What dumb thing do you insist on buying... something that would shame your depression-era grandparents? Have you tried to give something up? Is it working?

Spill it.

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