Thursday, February 26, 2009

We now return to our regular programming.

I had a really busy week. Sorry I was gone.

A few things:
1. Kitchen counters AREN'T going in this week. It will be next.

2. I had a HORRIBLE customer service experience with the store from which I bought my faucet and I plan to dedicate an entire post to it. More to come. Seriously, I tried to support a local Seattle merchant, but what a joke. And all this crying about independent stores going out of business? Well, now I know WHY some of them are (and only some of them. Many are GREAT). Because the service in this case was incompetent.

3. What is up with those halogen high-beam lights on cars? You know the ones. When you look in your rear-view mirror and you get blinded. THOSE. It's like looking at the sun! They are like x-rays. What was wrong with regular old headlights?

4. Why did I remove some posts? I needed to bowdlerize the blog a bit so I could show it to someone for a project. Thanks for your understanding. Everything once gone is back up.

5. I bought a birdhouse. I know, you're like, "Wow, Decorno. Thrilling." But seriously, I woke up the next morning and walked my bleary-eyed, coffee-mug-clutching tired-ass self to the kitchen window that faces the backyard and there were like 5 finches just having a party. They found it so fast. And who doesn't want to see Wild Kingdom right in her backyard? Delightful.

6. We have eaten so much take-out and pizza during the remodel that I think I am getting stretch marks on my wrists. Honestly, I bet I have gained 7 pounds. Gross. I can't wait to have the kitchen in order so grilling chicken and chopping up lettuce and tomatoes is, once again, an easy task.

7. Spring is coming. It's been a really long winter in so many ways, hasn't it? The constant bad news, the economy, layoffs. All of it. But spring, man. It's the salve. The answer. Cherry trees seem to burst with joy, those tiny pink pom-poms cheering on every other plant around them - HERE WE GO! they seem to say.

Yes, here we go. We are just a few weeks away from that excellent show.

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